Bodywork Technologies

Connecting Hearts & Minds with Touch

Hot Stone Mineral Therapy

The Hot Stone Mineral Therapy is the next level of luxury treatment.  The session starts in a cozy dimly lit treatment room with the therapist providing a quick consultation on any life challenges you are working on, or any dreams your working toward. With this knowledge the therapist will create a crystal gid to help align your subtle energy bodies with the work you are wanting to accomplish. While this is happening the client is encouraged to mediate and be bathed in multi sensory rich environment created with relaxation being the most important factor. Once the minerals are placed in the space accordingly the body is then whisked away into a new level of relaxation when the body is massaged with heated basalt stones. These heat retaining stones are glided along the body in circular  patterns stimulating the body energy points helping to improve overall health. This 90 min session is one that takes you to the height of relaxation while grounding you into the present moment to enjoy all this Hot Stone Mineral Therapy has to offer.