Bodywork Technologies

Connecting Hearts & Minds with Touch

CBD Therapy

CBD Massage: Our CBD massage treatment incoporates the use of FDA approved topicals in the form of creams and a spray to help with muscle soreness and inflammation. We use only the highest quality CBD products on the market. We offer three varieties of CBD topical treatments, a general CBD cream, great if you dislike smells or have sensative skin. A CBD heating cream that has a proprietary blend that is made to help heat and soothe sore muscles which is great for active individuals or for people with arthritis. And finally a cooling CBD spray which helps to cool the skin and soothe the soft tissues. Be sure to ask about our CBD massage upgrade on your next visit, or learn how you can purchase some of your own for personal use.


CBD or Cannabidiol, is the extract from the cannabis plant known for its health properties. It is most predominantly used for people with epilepsy or other seizure related disorders but can be used for a host of psychological and bone and muscle related symptoms. CBD is related THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, but they are drastically different. While CBD and THC are the most well known of the cannabis plants derivities, there are many, many more with some reports stating around 80 different chemical substrates.

How is the body affected?

The truth of the matter is that our body is very well primed to receive cannabidiols throught he CBD pathways found in the body mostly associated with links to our lymphatic and immune system, as well as the nervous system. While cannabis use has been around throughout history, only recently has it began to be understood in the scientific and medical communities.

How is it used?

There are several ways of using CBD, among the most popular are through inhalation either smoking or vaping, ingestion through food and beverage also known as edibles, or through topical use such as creams and ointments.


Pregnant women, children, and some people with pre-existing conditions such as parkinsons disease and liver disease may want to avoid use as it can be potentially harmful. As always it is best to consult your physician before starting the use of any potentially hazardous behaviors.
